All readings are done with real cards and only in the upright position. It takes time to analyze the cards and type up their words of wisdom.
Please allow yourself enough time for the reading to be done.
Payment must be received before the reading.

Single Card Spread

A Simple reading for simple questions. Great for Yes or No answers. You ask a question, the cards are shuffled, and three are pulled but only one (1) will be turned over to answer your question.Estimated 5-10 minutes.

Three Card Spread

Three(3) cards are pulled to tell you what's going on in your life right now or to answer slightly more complex questions.Estimated 10-15 minutes.

Relationship Cross

A five(5) card reading which can provide guidance on a current relationship. It adds a card to represent the querent and their partner to a three(3) card spread.Estimated 20-25 minutes.

Love Reading

A six(6) card reading for providing information and advice about your current relationship or a future relationship.Estimated 30-35 minutes.

Magical Love

A seven(7) card reading which can tell you if you'll find your true love and what kind of relationship you two can have.Estimated 40-45 minutes.

Happiness Reading

A six(6) card reading which gives you an in depth reading on your path to happiness.Estimated 20-25 minutes.

Success Reading

A six(6) card reading which gives you an in depth reading on your path to Success.Estimated 20-25 minutes.


Healing Crystals

These Crystals can change your fate. We offer crystals of healing, cleansing, love, luck, and prosperity.


Poultices are bags filled with herbs, stones and magic meant to help you achieve something.
We offer Poultices of healing, Sleep, and Warding.


These potions will help you get what you want.
Potions available: Confidence, Happiness, Success.


Tinctures can help to enhance you're abilities.
Tinctures available: Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Vitality, Mind

Arya Satrinava
Owner & Fortune Teller

Arya has been reading fortunes for 5 years. They use the Everyday Witch Tarot deck and only read upright tarot spreads because "there's enough bad event cards that reverse isn't needed."

Runsker Iaculat

Roh'a Proserphina